Alan Syliboy’s The Journey So Far, Shannon Webb-Campbell
Editorial, Shannon Webb-Campbell
In Conversation with Krista-Leigh Davis, Shannon Webb-Campbell
Eastern Edge: 40 Years of Art & Dancing on the Edge of the North Atlantic, Eva Crocker
New Creative Visions on the Runway, Jennifer Lee Wiebe
Socially Engaged Art:On Making with Others, Brody Weaver
Jane Meredith Whitten: Of Growing Concern: 40 Years of Textile Creation Amid the Havoc of Climate Change, Jane Affleck
Grief’s NeverEnding Story:Jack Bishop and Jared Betts, Jennifer Musgrave
Ann Manuel’s Creative Process, Kate Giles
Deanna Musgrave’s Water Witness, Kara Au
Venice Art Biennale: Foreigners Everywhere, Shannon Webb-Campbell

Fall 2024

Spring 2024
Kathy Hooper’s Mountains of Wonder and Tangles of Truth, Jericho Knopp
Editorial, Shannon Webb-Campbell
William Robinson’s Pitchpole, Tori Fleming
Lucas Morneau’s Queer Newfoundland Hockey League, Maeve Hanna
Atlantic Ballet’s Pisuwin: A Wolastoqiyik Story, Shannon Webb-Campbell
Arjun Lal’s Leather Bar in Bangalore, Rajee Paña Jejishergill
Tyshan Wright:Maroon Town, Morgan Mullin
Log on to the World of Marissa Sean Cruz, Brody Weaver
Séamus Gallagher’s Candy-Coated Universe, Morgan Mullin
Soil Body, Lenka Tomlinson
The Art of Mi’kmaw Basketry, Shannon Webb-Campbell

Fall 2023
EDITORIAL by Shannon Webb-Campbell
Marla Beneton’s From Table to Wall and Gracia Isabel Gómez Cantoya’s Rosa Mexicano by Emma FitzGerald
Guillaume Desrosiers Lépine’s Écrans/Screens Never-Ending Story by Emilie Grace Lavoie

Summer 2023
Ji Hyang Ryu’s Culture Bridge / Kara Au
Editorial: Summer Gothic / Shannon Webb-Campbell
Tropical Gothic / Wren Tian
Jenny Yujia Shi 施雨迦’s Hopefully, I’ll remember, and Kayza DeGraff-Ford’s cross-rhythms of not yet and no longer / Cinthia Arias Auz
Jessie Fraser’s I Hope You Are Both Well / Carley Mullally
Building A Home for Performance Art in NB: the Ongoing Legacy of PERFform / Amy Ash
Jennifer Green’s Flaxmobile Weaves Linen from Soil and Place / Jolee Smith
CRAFTS___SHIP / Shannon Webb-Campbell in conversation with Carley Mullally, Gillian Maradyn-Jowsey and Inbal Newman
Alex Antle’s Njikam (My Younger Brother) / Emily Critch
Rebecca Delle Monache’s AQUA / Shannon Webb-Campbell
Emilie Grace Lavoie’s Times are Hard for Dreamers / Kate Giles
Children of Fogo Island / Kate Lahey

Spring 2023
History, Heritage, and Home in the Quilt-making of Alfreda Smith / Shauntay Grant
Editorial: Craft / Shannon Webb-Campbell
Adaptive Practices / Julie Rosvall
Artist and Farmer Megan Samms creates Live Textiles / Shannon Webb-Campbell
Emily Lawrence’s Food Dreams / Julie Hollenbach
Heavy Momentum Arts Atlantic Symposium / Kara Au
Camila Salcedo and deniree isabel’s lived in room: objects frozen in time / Liuba Gonzalez de Armas
Kelsey Street’s Weaving Back and Forth / Jane Walker
Threadbare / Caleb Freeman
Dreaming beyond place, beyond taboo / Sally Wolchyn-Faab in conversation with Nasim Makaremi Nia
Matthew-Robin Nye’s Goodnight Moon: A Rhythm, A Tempo / Kate Giles

Fall 2022
Deanna Musgrave’s Transcendence / Kara Au
Editorial / Shannon Webb-Campbell
Sheilah ReStack’s Control Is Cassandra / Annick MacAskill
Jared Betts’ Prismatic Paintings / Kathleen Buckley
Glitter & Magic / Maeve Hanna
Miya Turnbull’s Self-Portrait Mask Art / Clare Goulet
Collective Intricacies / Yakosu Umana
Radiant Rural Halls / Norah Pendergast
it comes in waves / Melissa Spohr Weiss
Larry Weyand’s Every Bathroom I Have Bathed in 1995-2020 / Amanda Shore
Beyond the Gallery / Cinthia Arias Auz

Summer 2022
Sisterhood Bound by Quills / Tara Francis
Editorial / Shannon Webb-Campbell
Mi’kmaq/Wampanoag Potter Nancy Oakley / Emily Shaw
Craft inspires a new Atlantic Vernacular / Maegen Black
Eryn Foster’s A Proposition of Organisms / Shannon Webb-Campbell
Nic Wilson’s Learn Spelling / Christiana Myers
STAYING at The Blue Building Gallery / Maeve Hanna
Balancing Visibility and Indeterminacy / Liuba Gonzalez de Armas
Kristina Søbstad’s Pigmented Perceptions / Emily Pittman
The Baroness Elsa Project at Owens Art Gallery / Amy Ash
The Past Informs the Future Shannon Webb-Campbell in conversation with Tyshan Wright

Spring 2022
Arjun Lal’s Fruits of the Forest / Wren Tian-Morris 天琳琳 and francesca ekwuyasi
Editorial: Connection / Shannon Webb-Campbell
Folded Spaces & Found Places – la représentation identitaire de Mario LeBlanc / Emilie Grace Lavoie
The Lake Nipissing Beading Project / Shannon Webb-Campbell
Creating Connections at the Disability Atlantic Arts Symposium / Amelia Bailey
Radical Hope in Shary Boyle Outside the Palace of Me / Kate Lahey
Lou Sheppard and William Robinson I want to be a seashell/ I want to be a mold/ I want to be a spirit / Cinthia Arias Auz
Doug Dumais: Ephemeral Endurance / Austin Henderson
Ta’n A’sikatikl Sipu’l | Confluence & Nelson White’s Tukien / Tiffany Morris
A Place to Practice: Wonder’neath Art Society / Sadie Bills
Wildhood / Bretten Hannam and Shannon Webb-Campbell in Conversation

Fall 2021
Ursula Johnson’s ITHA: The Livingroom / Amy Ash
Editorial / Shannon Webb-Campbell
What the Ocean Remembers / Eva Crocker
Photographer Ethan Murphy’s Cabin Fever / Andrew Sampson
TOIL HERE: Artworks from rural Mi’kma’ki / Maeve Hanna
F*ck Resilience, Give Me Joy / Sally Wolchyn-Raab
Carley Mullally Transforms Marine Debris / Julian Covey
HOST / Kara Au
Bonavista Biennale 2021 / Emily Pittman
Archival Futurism: Rita Malik’s On Being Brown / Merray Gerges
Crow Gulch: Q&A with Jordan Bennett and Marcus Gosse / Shannon Webb-Campbell
Art in the Open / Maeve Hanna

Summer 2021
Life in Silos, Art, Work and Motherhood / Jane Walker
Editorial: Solitude / Shannon Webb-Campbell
Faune Ybarra’s Archive of Embodied Displacement / Emily Critch
Self, Alone: an illustration / Colleen MacIsaac
2482 Maynard: The Blue Building / Shannon Webb-Campbell
Silver Linings: Karen Stenaford on Process and Placehood / Amy Ash
Revisioning the Confederation Centre Art Gallery / Jane Affleck
Tactics for Staying Home in Uncertain Times / Erin Riehl
Andrea Dorfman and Tanya Davis’ How To Be At Home / Tori Fleming
Brandon Hoax’s Desire for Solitude / Cinthia Arias Auz
Solo Summer Reads / Shannon Webb-Campbell

Spring 2021
Sustenance: A Call to Action / Carrie Allison
Editorial: Sustenance / Shannon Webb-Campbell
Reaching Back, Projecting Us Forward My Cousins’ Cousin / Emily Critch
Drawing Motherhood’s Realities In Conversation with Tori Fleming and Julia Hutt
Real Life Is Unappetizing A Review of Fruit Salad / Kara Au
Jessy Watson Yearns for Connection / Cinthia Arias Auz
Artist Pages: Les Baby Blues / Annie France Noël
Barbara Pratt CAKE / Jane Walker
Give Me Shelter / Philippa Jones
Shannon Webb-Campbell in Conversation with Francesca Ekwuyasi

FALL 2020
POC Resilience and Resistance Brings Magic to the World: Wren Tian Morris / By Francesca Ekwuywasi
Editorial: Change / By Shannon Webb-Campbell
Unsettling Settler Possession / By Julie Hollenbach & Carla Taunton
Worlding the Pluriverse / By Amy Ash
Attending the Apocalypse / By Jared Peters
Artist pages: Ritual Objects for Disordered and Displaced Bodies / By Lux Habrich
Taking Care / By Sally Wolchyn-Raab
Sandi Hartling anything at all / By Becka Viau
Vanishing Act / By Adam Myatt
Melissa Tremblett’s Reprise / By Shannon Webb-Campbell

Memory of Roadside Flowers/ Care and Kinship in the Work of Emily Critch / By Kate Lahey
Gillian Dykeman’s Art Activates Agency / By Julia McMillan
Editorial: Labour / By Shannon Webb-Campbell
Labour Before Labour / By Tori Fleming
Amy Ash Embodies Collage / By Kathleen Buckley
Weaponizing Precarity: An Interview with RM Vaughan / By Jessica Arsenault
Michelle MacKinnon’s Years of Magical Realism / By Jane Walker
Artist Pages: Séamus Gallagher
Sarah Mihara Creagen’s Body Work / By Penelope Smart
Shawn O’Hagan’s Intuitive Stitching / Interview by Robyn Love
Gut Feeling / Review by Amanda Shore
Memorial: Work by Venezuelan Diaspora Artists / Review by Cinthia Arias Auz
Harbour / Review by Shannon Webb-Campbell
Megan Kyak-Monteith’s Community Labour / By Jessica Wiebe
Listening to Silence / Review by Sonja Boon

Seeking Shelters: Lacey Decker Hawthorne / Profile by Geordie Miller
Architecture / Editorial by Shannon Webb-Campbell
Altantic Art-chitecture / Feature by Jericho Knopp
Relocation by “Renoviction” / Feature by Amanda Shore
On Bodies in Space: Angela Henderson & Melanie Colosimo / Interview by Sally Wolchin-Raab
From Landscape to Third Space / Feature by Ben Peterson
Affective Architectures: Ethan Murphy / Review by Kate Lahey
SCAFFOLD: Nocturne 2019 / Review by Jessica Lynn Wiebe
Spring Exhibition Preview / Editor’s Picks
Remembering Africville / Review by Julian COvey
Living Lightly on the Earth / Review by Shannon Webb-Campbell

FALL 2019
Keeping the Lights On: Will Gill, Pepa Chan, and Mike Gough / Feature by Jane Walker
Landscape Materiality / Editorial by Shannon Webb-Campbell
Flowing Into Bonavista Biennale / Feature by Jennifer McVeigh
Loving the Land that Created Me: Billy Gauthier’s Saunituinnaulungitotluni / Beyond Bone / Review by Kate Lahey
Cross-Cultural Creation Residency Breaks Barries in New Brunswick / Profile by Jericho Knopp
Facts About Quaking Aspen (For Graeme and Rita) / Poem by Bart Vatour
Bridget Moser’s This Poem Does Not Help Me At All / Review by Mollie Cronin
The Search for an Object’s Desire: KC Wilcox / Interview by Kara Au
found/held at Access Galley / Review by Sophia Bartholomew
Melissa Peter-Paul Honours Contemporary Quillwork in Epekwitk / Review by Becka Viau
Sovereign Acts / Review by Emilie Grace Lavoie
Before Demolition: Tides / Review by Erin Riehl

Ketu’elmita’jik/They Want to go Home, Jordan Bennett / Review by Carrie Allison
Art + Design / Editorial by Shannon Webb-Campbell
The Memorialist, D’Arcy Wilon / Review by Kathleen Higgins
Pleasure is Both Powerful & Holy / Interview with Camae Ayewa & Carmel Farabakhsh by Francesca Ekwuyasi
Mommay’s Patches, Letitia Fraser / Review by Erin Riehl
You Are Not Here, Juan Ortiz-Apui / Review by Geordie Miller
Phillipa Jones on death, life & mourning / Review by Jennifer McVeigh
The Hidden & Recovered Figures of Jen E. Norton’s Slipstream / Review by Sally Wolchyn-Raab
The Museum of Longing & Failure / Profile by Shannon Webb- Campbell
This Small Town / Poem by Tanya Davis
This Town is Small / Artist-Run Centre Profile by Tanya Davis
All These In-betweens, Logan Macdonald / Review by Kate Lahey
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#callresponse: conversation & action / Review by Kathleen Higgins
Expanse / Editorial by Shannon Webb-Campbell
When Small Things Matter: Ned and Mary Pratt / Feature by Mireille Eagan
Nelson White: Kinship and Reclamation Beyond the Artist Residency / Profile by Kate Lahey
Kym Greeley’s Highway Sightlines / Review by Jennifer McVeigh
The Most Important Thing: Art and the Rural Renewal of Fogo Island / Feature by Jolee Smith
Oracles, Questions & Translation / Q & A with Olivia Boudreau & Penelope Smart
Liminal Fleshold: A Net for Wonder & Oneness / Review by Gillian Dykeman
Michelle Sylliboy’s Ancient Messages / Mi’kmaq Komqwejwi’kasikl (hieroglyphic) Poetry
Kent Monkman’s Shimmering Resilience / Profile by Shannon Webb-Campbell
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FALL 2018
Soheila Esfahani’s Portable Culture / Profile by Valerie Behiery
Unknown Lands / Editorial by Lizzy Hill
Tracing Rivers + Stories with Carrie Allison / Q + A by Mollie Cronin
Meagan Musseau Reclaims the Landscape / Q + A by Craig Francis Power
Blue Rocks: Gerald Ferguson, Marsden Hartley + John Hartman / Review by Ray Cronin
Charlotte Wilson-Hammond on What We Leave Behind / Q+A by Lizzy Hill
Between Sacred + Profane: Kaashif Ghanie & Nicholas Rosin / Review by Kathleen Higgins
In Memoriam: Susan Wood / Susan Gibson-Garvey
The Impact of the Identify Festival / Feature by Mirielle Eagan
Don’t Listen to Me: Mark Harvey / Q + A by Daniel Higham

JJ Lee deconstructs Chinese-Canadian identities / Profile by Lizzy Hill
The New Nova Scotia / Editorial by Lizzy Hill
Waka Okabayashi on Human-Plant Relationships / Profile by Kathleen Higgins
Conversation: Beyond the Island, Another Island Amish Morrell + Erik Moskowitz + Amanda Trager
Yorodeo Maps Inner Worlds / Feature by Walter Muschenheim
Emily Vey Duke’s Dark Optimism / Interview by Lizzy Hill
Sarah Fillmore on Nova Scotia’s Future Art World / Interview by Ray Cronin
Conversation: Navigating the Intersection of Art + Craft / Alexandra McCurdy + Joanna Close
Ursula Johnson Tackles Everyday Cultural Appropriation / Profile by Brennan McCracken
Kate MacDonald, Emma Paulson and the art of listening / Feature by Sally Raab-Wolchyn
Pictou Island Portage / Archival text: Mary MacDonald
Marlene Creates: In and Of / Response by Sophie Pilipczuk
Lou Sheppard explores the undefinable + unspoken / Interview by Anna Joan Taylor
Conversation: Sister Visions / Pamela Edmonds + Rebecca Fisk + Lucie Chan + Kim Cain + Chris Shapones

Mario Doucette: Redrawing the margins / Profile by Walter Muschenheim
Atlantic Canadians topple art world ageism / Feature by Nzingha Millar
Identities In Flux / Editorial by Lizzy Hill
Michael Flaherty + the politics of making / Q + A by Craig Francis Power
Pattern Clash: Andrew Cairns / Profile by Jonathan Rotzstain
Logan MacDonald’s poetic unpacking of identities /Review by Craig Francis Power
The stranger from Pictou County / Review by Janette Fecteau
Neon Defiance: Stephanie Wu on internet culture, self care + allies / Q + A by Lizzy Hill
Charlie Murphy in pursuit of the complex image / Q + A by John Mathews 36 Exhibition Previews
Lisa Cochrane transmutes objects found in nature / Review by Gordon Laurin
Thierry Delva, Steven Holmes + the necessity of dialogue / Review by Ray Cronin
Claire Hodge + Peggy Cameron negotiate urban space / Feature by Adria Young
Ryan Josey explores the parenthetical / Response by Julia McMillan

FALL 2017
Jerry Ropson and the myth of home / Review by Craig Francis Power
Archival Alchemy / Editorial by Lizzy Hill
Brenda Francis Pelkey’s visual trespassing / Feature by Kathleen Higgins
Brendan Fernandes creates hybrid ghosts / Q + A by Lizzy Hill
Jonathan Howse’s sacred ordinary / Review by Allison Graves
Raven Davis’ de-celebration of Canada / Feature by Adria Young
Essential Shoes’ strange nostalgia/ Review by Mitch Speed
Emily Pittman’s exploration of colour / Profile by Ray Cronin
Keeley Haftner’s landfill of forgotten art / Feature by Geordie Miller
Jessica Gnyp’s homage to obsolescence / Q + A by Lizzy Hill
Sound Etiquette and the politics of noise / Review by Ray Cronin
Photopolis defies festival conventions / Festival Spotlight by Becka Barker
Uncommon Common Art celebrates the rural / Festival Spotlight by Jessica Winton
Fall Exhibitions / Previews by Lizzy Hill
Geoffrey Farmer brings the “problematic” to Venice / Dispatch by Mireille Eagan

Lorraine Field confronts our mortality / Review by Daniel Higham
Symbolically connected / Editorial by Lizzy Hill
Amery Sandford’s complex relationship with Newfoundland identity / Essay by Craig Francis Power
Stephanie Yee’s feast for thought / Profile by Jonathan Rotzstain
A walk through Rachel Morouney’s funerary jars / Review by Kathleen Higgins
Remembering Felicity Redgrave / In memoriam by Ray Cronin
Jordan Bennett, Ursula Johnson and the potency of language / Review by Craig Francis Power
Gallery Guide / Exhibition listings by Lizzy Hill
Feminist data visualization and the politics of information / Review by Amanda Shore
Landon Mackenzie’s personal creative process / Review by Ray Cronin
Richard Ibghy and Marilou Lemmens assess our relationship with work / Review by Geordie Miller

Spring 2017
Lisa Hirmer’s Distorted Landscapes Feature by Kathleen Higgins
Order + Chaos / Editorial by Lizzy Hill
New Found Lands explores marginalized histories / Feature by Mireille Eagan
Daniel Hutchinson bends light and space / Review by Ray Cronin
Rita McKeough and Graeme Patterson reimagine invasive species / Feature by Geordie Miller
The power of taste-based art / Field Report by Amanda Shore
Gallery Guide / Exhibition listings by Lizzy Hill
Holding space with Rachel Beach / Feature by Kathleen Higgins
Terroir gives Nova Scotia artists needed exposure / Viewpoint by Audrey Nicoll
Allison Hrabluik finds absurdity in the everyday / Review by Becka Viau
The scale of William Robinson / Q + A by Jonathan Rotzstain

Fall 2016
Myths + Monsters
Carl Zimmerman’s decaying monuments: Review by Daniel Hingham
Myths and monsters: Editorial by Lizzy Hill
Lyric Cranium’s miscellaneous fictions: Review by Mirielle Eagan
Marigold Santos’ Hybrid Beasts: Q + A by Lizzy Hill
Mitch Mitchell’s Alchemical Objects: Review by Kathleen Higgins
Gallery Guide: Exhibition listings by Lizzy Hill
Ambera Wellmann’s paintings and posts: Profile by Jonathan Rotsztain
Yorodeo’s mythical explorations: Review by Anna Taylor
Retracing the Songlines on The Magdalen Islands: Feature by Becka Viau
WhiteFeather Hunter’s flesh and fiber: Profile by Mike Landry

Rilla Marshall maps lost terrain: Review by Kathleen Higgins
Inside Out: Editorial by Lizzy Hill
Artists explore the domestic: Review by Mary MacDonald
On environments with Jesse Jacobs: Profile by Jonathan Rotsztain
Unearthing Hank Bull: Review by Kathleen Higgins
Ray Fenwick’s identities in flux: Dispatch by sophia bartholomew
Gallery Guide
On interpreting the woodland: Eryn Foster interviews Susan Tooke
Artist Page: Tonia Di Risio
Towards a theory of grant aesthetics: Essay by Merray Gerges

Spring 2016
In the Issue:
The echoes of l’acadie Mythique: Review by Kathleen Higgins
The Resistance Issue: Editorial by Lizzy Hill
Leah Modigliani’s archival alchemy: Q + A by Becka Viau
Richard Mueller’s Eye Witness Review: Review Susan Gibson Garvey
Y-Level’s Wooden Fruit: Review by Craig Leonard
Gallery Guide: Critic’s choice exhibition listings
Coco Guzman’s Los Fantasmas: Response by Craig Francis Power
Lisa Theriault and Alisa Arsenault’s fragmented worlds: Response by
sophia bartholomew
The 2015 Sobey Art Award: Dispatch by Kathleen Higgins
New work by Paulette Phillips and Thierry Delva: Review by Adria Young
The playful pain of Neil LaPierre: Profile by Jonathan Rotsztain

Fall 2015
In the issue:
Below the Surface with Michael Pittman: by Mireille Eagan
Haunt: Editorial by Lizzy Hill
The seductive world of Patrick Traer: by Kathleen Higgins
Artist Page: featuring the work of Jordan Bennett
Reflecting on the work of Geneviève Cadieux: By Daniel Higham
Reviews of Bridget Moser: Is This Thing On and An Intimate Distance: by Lizzy Hill
Gallery Guide: Must-see exhibitions this season
A conversation with Cathy Busby: by Christian ledwell
The creative logic of John Greer: by Adria Young
Sam Kinsley’s Self Portraits: By Anna Taylor
Nicole Pietrantoni’s ‘New Natural’: by Allison Saunders

Summer 2015
In the issue:
Anatomica’s view on the interior: Review by Jaime Forsythe
On women’s work: Editorial by Lizzy Hill
Folklore and Other Panics at The Rooms: Review by Craig Francis Power
Mathew Reichertz’s trash tales: Review by Daniel Higham
Under the passing stars’ voyeuristic impulse: Review by Kathleen Higgins
Artist Page: Charley Young
Gallery Guide Your curated exhibition listings
The textile work of Joanna Close: Review by Anna Taylor
The world of Anna Torma: Feature by Regina Marzlin
Dark Utopia’s conflicted wanderlust: Feature by Kathleen Higgins
Amanda Dawn Christie’s The Marshland Radio Plumbing Project: Feature by Mike Landry

Janet Wright-Cheney’s Cellar: Review by Audrey Nicoll
Editorial by Lizzy Hill: (in)habit
Séripop’s exploration of entropy: Review by Christian Ledwell
Making Otherwise: Review by Daniel Higham
Jeff Whetstone’s Feral Lands: Review by Kathleen Higgins
Petapan First Light Arts Symposium: Art News by Shannon Webb-Campbell
Black Ice: David Blackwood: Book Review by Lizzy Hill
Colville: Book Review by Mike Landry
Exhibition Spotlight: Your Spring gallery guide
(im)mobile’s shifting spaces: Review by Kathleen Higgins
Camp Fire’s subversive ceramics:Review by Hilary Beaumont

FALL 2014
Mathieu Léger’s Cultural Detritus: Review by Mike Landry
On Community: Editorial by Lizzy Hill
Artist Pages: Jerry Ropson
Jerry Ropson’s everyday curiosities: Q & A by Kaylee Maddison
Doing Our Own Thing: Review by Tila Kellman
Ursula Johnson’s Mi’kwite’tmn (Do You Remember): Review by Hilary Beaumont
Oh, Canada comes home: Feature by Lizzy Hill
Emily Falencki’s solo exhibition at the AGNS: Review by Audrey Nicoll
Halifax’s Art Boat Project: Art News by Daniel Higham
All that Glows: Review by Kathleen Higgins
Hangama Amiri’s love of place: Profile by Veronica Simmonds

Decoding Graeme Patterson: Feature by Audrey Nicoll
The Nostalgia Issue: Editorial by Lizzy Hill
Mike Gough’s RETRACE: Review by Jennifer McVeigh
Magic and Realism: Essay by Aaron Weldon
Rose Adams: Survival, death and remembering: Feature by Tila Kellman
Exhibition Listings Summer 2014
Revisiting rebellion with the launch of Queer Looking, Queer Acting Revisited: Feature by Hilary Beaumont
A conversation with John Devlin: Q&A by Eryn Foster
André Lapointe’s natural fakes: Feature by Mike Landry
Somewheres’ uneasy impermanence: Review by leonard paul macpherson
Melanie Colosimo’s Midpoint: Review by Katie Belcher
nichola feldman-kiss’ embedded art: Q&A by Veronica Simmonds
Tamara Huxtable on coming clean: Atlantic Spotlight by Daniel Higham

Spring 2014
Unearthing Moncton’s most controversial art show: Feature by Mike Landry
The Power Issue: Editorial by Lizzy Hill
Scott Saunders’ Guerilla Galleries: Feature by Kathleen Higgins
True Grit’s power play: Review by Daniel Higham
Mapping social capital in the Canadian art world: Response by Sophia Bartholomew
Rita McKeough’s industrial feast: Review by Hilary Beaumont
Artist Pages: Sarah Burwash
Current Conditions and Forecasts: Eryn Foster interviews Katie Belcher
Entangled Particles’ haunting poetry: Review by Shannon Webb Campbell
Duane Linklater investigates the nature of language: Profile by Adria Young

Fall 2013
Feature: On the Road with David Askevold by Mike Landry
Editorial by Lizzy Hill: The Nomadic Issue
Review: Shary Boyle’s Underwater Subconscious by Mireille Eagan
Profile: Getting lost with Melanie Authier by Allison Saunders
Review: Steve Higgins New Work by Tila Kellman
Exhibition Listings
Feature: Unearthing the Eyelevel archives by Daniel Higham
Field Notes: Lucy Pawlak’s “third space” on Fogo Island by Kay Burns
Review: Daniel Vogel’s Siftor and My Name is Owen by Mike Landry
Review: Motion Activated connects sound and movement by Adria Young
Community Focus: Hannah Minzloff’s Portraits on Portland by Heather L. MacLeod
In Memorian: Alex Colville’s Visual Poetry by Ray Cronin
Backpage Response: Objection tackles the craft/art semantic by Aaron Weldon
Find issues on Zinio

Summer 2013
Profile: Between alchemy and art: Darren Emeneau
by Mike Landry
Editorial by Lizzy Hill: The End of Nature?
Review: Declan O`Dowd’s Deer Gardens
by Veronica Simmonds
Interview: In the studio with salvage-artist Arianne Pollett-Brannen
by Hilary Beaumont
Profile: Pat Hickman explores mortality and impermanence
by Jaime Forsythe
Review: Robyn Moody’s Butterflies. Species at the Edge of Reason
by Kathleen Higgins
Exhibition Listings
Review: Position as Desired/Exploring African Canadian Identity: Photographs from the Wedge Collection
by Hilary Beaumont
Snapshot Review: Adrian Fish’s The Soto / Hasid Project
by Daniel Joyce
Interview: John Murchie, Sackville`s jack of all trades
by Eryn Foster
Review: Craig Francis Power`s Les Fleurs Du Mal
by Adria Young

Spring 2013
Profile by Shannon Webb-Campbell: Ehryn Torrell finds life in crumbling cityscapes
Editorial by Lizzy Hill: The Ragpicker’s Issue
Feature by Christian Ledwell: Swintak and Miller’s Tower of Babble
Feature by Jaime Forsythe: Thinking outside the white cube
Snapshot Review by Natascia Lypny: Marigold Santos’ Coven Ring
Snapshot Review by Kristie McCallum: Chase Gallery’s ReVISION
Review by Crystal Melville: Peter Dykhuis’ Inventories and Micro-mapping
Review by Kathleen Higgins: Kai Chan’s A Spider’s Logic
Review by Tila Kellman: Barb McLean’s Markers and Tracings
Q & A: Allison Saunders and James Guerts
Snapshot Review by Joan Sullivan: Hazel Meyers’ Walls to the Ball
Community Focus by Mike Landry: Jaune Evans’s Collecting Fog and Peter Cunningham’s Dead Reckoning
Spring 2013 Exhibition Listings for Atlantic Canada
For complete access, purchase Visual Arts News on Zinio.

Fall 2012
Tracing Oh Canada’s Atlantic Canadian Inspiration at MASS MOCA
Cover: Andrea Mortson, Swan Pond Night Fall, 2009-2010.
Plus Skin: the seduction of surface at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia; Tuning into Dalhousie University Art Gallery’s Sounding Selves; Holding on with performance artist Stephen Mueller; Examining the social history of women labourers with Emily Davidson’s Agitate, Educate, Organise; Snapshot Reviews of Michael Pittman’s Haunted Halfand Troy Lovegates AKA OTHER’s exhibition at (((Parentheses))) Gallery.Turning the lens inwards with photographer Jaret Belliveau; Exploring Alexandra McCurdy’s tribute to hard working women and textile culture.Re-imagining Pictou, Nova Scotia at the W(here) Festival; Transforming Point Pleasant Park’s Gatekeeper’s Lodge with Lisa Lipton’s Window Ballet 2: Electric Boogaloo; Nate Larson andMarni Shindelman’s Geolocation: Maritimes capture Saint John.
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Summer 2012
Review: Allison Saunders explores Douglas Walker’s Other Worlds. Cover image: Douglas Walker, Small Building, 2011
Plus Audrey Nicoll reviews Ruth Cuthand’s Back Talk (works 1983-2009); Beaverbrook Art Gallery’s chief curator Terry Graff chats about the materiality of paint and his exhibition Goop, Guck, And Globs with writer Mike Landry; Stefan Hancherow considers the cyclical nature of Assembly Lines at PEI’s Confederation Centre of the Arts; Visual Arts News writers narrow down your summer reading list; Katie Belcher considers the physicality of works in the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia’s Material World; Artist Cecil Day captures Nova Scotia’s trapping history; Veronica Simmonds tracks the evolution of Nova Scotia’s “Rabbit Movement;” And Adria Young catches up with Chris Foster and Natalie Slater, the duo behind the Periodical Project.
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Spring 2012
Review: Kelly Mark, Exist, 2009 (cover) paired with work by Micah Lexier in Head-to-Head at Saint Mary’s University Art Gallery in Halifax.
Plus cut/fold/play, Tila Kellman reviews Paper Doll at Owen’s Art Gallery, Laura Kenins’ contextualizes Atlantic Canada’s floating media landscapes alongside 3x3x3, Stephanie Springgay collects field notes with Toronto’s Mammalian Diving Reflex’s Nightwalks with Teenagers in Cape Breton, Mike Landry reveals Andrew McPhail‘s second-skin, Crystal Melville maps statelessness at Nocturne: Art at Night 2012, in conversation with Shannon Webb-Campbell Robert Bean talks obsolescence, Sophie Pilipczuk inhales and exhales Susan Wood’s 30-year retrospective – Earth Skins – at MSVU Art Gallery and curator, J.J. Kegan McFadden reflects on the intricacies of waiting… and more.
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Fall 2011
Review: Amalie Aitkens, Girl in the Reed with Bolex, 2010 (cover) at the Owen’s Art Gallery’s Bona Fide: Handmade and Homemade.
Plus Dirt, Detritus and Vermin & In an Ancient Garden at MSVU Art Gallery, the Debert Diefenbunker, Jared Peters at Ingrid Mueller Art + Concepts, Artist pages on the 20111 Sobey Art Award’s short-listed artists Becka Viau & Zeke Moores, taking in rural residence with Rebecca Roher, a thoughtful Q&A tuning with Craig Leonard, Toronto Images Festival retrospective of James MacSwain and a glimpse of the Venice Biennale.
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Summer 2011
Profile: Ursula Johnson (cover)
Plus reviews and features on Sarah Maloney, Norma Jean MacLean, Tonia De Risio’s Feed, The Abbie Table Project, Kim Morgan’s Range Light, Ray Mackie, Betty Goodwin, a tribute to Mary Sparling and a feature on artist residencies at the Gatekeeper’s lodge in Halifax’s Point Pleasant Park.
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Spring 2011
Reviews: Teresa Bergen (cover)
Plus reviews of Kristen Ivey and What Remains, Response, Making Tracks, Losing It, Tidelines, Stephen Kelly, Elena Popova, Erica Rutherford, Janice Wright Cheney and more. With a recap of Halifax’s Nocturne Festival and a feature on a new artist-run centre in Prince Edward Island.

Fall 2010
Reviews: Scott Conarroe at MSVU Gallery (cover).
Plus David Hoffos, Bill Marshall, Shorelines, Gerard Collins, Colin Campbell, Onni Nordman, Gerard Beaulieu and Clark Ferguson. With a feature on Atlantic Canadian art and the recession and artist pages by Micah Lexier and Mireille Eagan.
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Summer 2010
Reviews: Marc Bell at Owens Gallery (cover), and as part of the group show Pulp Fiction at Saint Mary’s University Art Gallery.
Plus David Harper, Diane Landry, Jean Pierre Gauthier, Gerard Collins, Kate Beaton and Yo Rodeo. With features on Gallery Connexion and art education in Nova Scotia. Artist pages by WhiteFeather and Carol Collicutt
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Spring 2010
Reviews: Sophie Jodoin, Small Dramas & Little Nothings (2008-09) at MSVU Gallery (cover).
Plus Guerrilla Girls come to Nova Scotia, contemporary art in Inverness, Sara Angelucci, Dozay Christmas, Hannah Minzloff and Jeannie Thib. With features on walking with Hamish Fulton and a Venice Biennale report.
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Winter 2009
Reviews: Susan Bozic at MSVU Gallery (cover).
Plus Chris Joyce, Eyelevel Gallery Unplugged, David Dahms, Steve Higgins, Nicolas Baier, Sometimes Always. With features on the struggles of regional arts councils and Atlantic Canadian arts festivals.
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Summer 2009
Reviews: Martha Wilson, founder of Franklin Furnace and member of the collective Guerrilla Girls, returns to Halifax with a retrospective exhibition, Staging the Self, at Dalhousie Art Gallery.
Plus Lynn Rotin, Peter Coffman, Felicity Redgrave, Fenn Martin with Nicolas Johnson, Stephanie McNair, Theo Meltzer-Gardner. With features on the history of Nova Scotia artists going “back to the land” and the state of provincial permanent collections.
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